09.08.2019 11:51

Ambassador of the Republic of Tajikistan to the French Republic and to the Italian Republic
Born on November 3, 1980
- BA in International Relations (1998-2003) from Eastern Mediterranean University, the Turkish Republic of the Northern Cyprus.
- MA in Diplomatic Studies (2004-2005) from University of Westminster, UK.
- Candidate of Political Science (2015)
- Third Secretary of State Protocol Department, 2003-2004
- Second Secretary of Department of European and American countries, 2006-2007
- First Secretary of Department of European and American countries, 2008-2009
- Head of Foreign Economic Cooperation Section, 2009-2012
- Head of Consular Department, 2012-2013
- Head of Department of International Organizations, 2013-2014
- Head of Department of European and American countries, 2014-2018
- Permanent Delegate of Tajikistan to UNESCO, 2018-2024
English, Turkish, Russian
Marital status
Married, has 5 children