The 45th session of the World Heritage Committee

10.09.2023 07:45

On September 10-25, 2023, the 45th session of the Intergovernmental Committee for the Safeguarding of the Tangible Cultural Heritage of UNESCO will be held in Riyadh, Saudi Arabia, during which the nominations of Member States, including the Republic of Tajikistan will be considered.

The meeting will be attended by 21 Member States of the Committee (Argentina, Belgium, Bulgaria, Egypt, Ethiopia, Greece, India, Italy, Japan, Mali, Mexico, Nigeria, Oman, Qatar, Russian Federation, Rwanda, Grenada, Saudi Arabia, South Africa, Thailand and Zambia), representatives of countries participating in the UNESCO Convention for the Protection of the Tangible Cultural Heritage of 1972, heads of national commissions for UNESCO of Member States, governmental and non-governmental organizations, experts and others.



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