Open Doors Day at the Embassy of Tajikistan in Tokyo

03.10.2017 11:48

On September 29, 2017, as part of the celebration of the Diplomatic Service Day of Tajikistan, the Embassy of the Republic of Tajikistan in Japan together with the International Friendship Center organized an Open Doors Day and a seminar on Tajikistan.

In opening remarks, Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of the Republic of Tajikistan to Japan Dr. Hamrokhon ZARIFI told participants about the comprehensive development of independent Tajikistan, the rapidly evolving socio-economic situation and socio-political stability of the country, favorable investment opportunities, ancient history, rich culture and traditions of the Tajik people. Priorities of the country's foreign policy and significant achievements in bilateral and multilateral relations between Tajikistan and Japan during 25 years of diplomatic relations were also mentioned.

During the event Embassy staff also gave presentations on the achievements of the Republic of Tajikistan during the years of independence, the measures being taken by the Government to develop the socio-economic, energy sectors and other priority areas, the existing stability and security in the whole territory of Tajikistan. Particular attention was paid to the tourism sector, which is thoroughly developing every year, thus attracting more foreign visitors.

The participants of the seminar were acquainted with the attributes of arts and crafts of the Tajik people - suzani, national clothes, musical instruments, kundal, books and information brochures about Tajikistan.

During the seminar a film about Tajikistan was shown, that beautiful nature with its unique natural features, landscapes, historical and modern attractions of the country were exemplified.

The guests of the event took an active part in the quiz organized by the Embassy, dedicated to the received information about the culture, history, traditions and customs of the Republic of Tajikistan. The winners of the quiz were awarded memorable gifts.

Open Doors Day at the Embassy of Tajikistan in Tokyo

