Excellency, United Nations Secretary-General,
Excellencies, heads of states and governments,
Distinguished heads of delegations,
Dear ladies and gentlemen,
Today, the international community should clearly understand that financing for development is one of the keys in achieving the Sustainable Development Goals.
The current reality of the modern world requires the reform of the international financial architecture.
Countries also need to pursue a responsible monetary and credit policy and strengthen coordination of the macroeconomic policy to create a enabling international environment for the developing countries to implement the 2030 Agenda.
In the meantime, the Government of Tajikistan is taking added measures to eliminate the consequences of financial and economic hardships and to make full use of existing capacities to ensure efficient economic development and bending massive effort to opportunities for financing of the social sector.
We believe that along with mobilizing domestic funds, creating favorable international framework to increase production plays an important role in achieving the Sustainable Development Goals.
The measures we have taken should not lead to an increase in the country's debt, as this is one of the major obstacles in the road towards an implementation of Sustainable Development Goals.
There is still a need to increase the amount of aid for the development.
Global trade and investment, which are key drivers for the manufacturing development, must be strengthened and contribute to the process of transfer and introduction of new environmentally sustainable technologies.
Given modern threats and challenges, we fully support special actions aimed at development.
The negative consequences of modern risks and menaces seriously undermine our efforts to achieve sustainable development.
In particular, the adverse consequences of climate change, which have become more often during the last decades clearly prove the state of affairs.
As a result of climate change, the increase in the risk of natural disasters and the vulnerability of the population is one of the serious challenges in achieving sustainable development in Tajikistan.
Over the last decades, Tajikistan has observed intense melting of glaciers, the consequences of which are worrying for the entire region.
It is clear that taking effective measures and bold commitments towards climate change needs an integration of our efforts at the regional and international levels.
With no doubt, transition to the development of the "Green Economy" requires tremendous investments for the infrastructure development and the production of "Green Energy" from renewable sources.
The Republic of Tajikistan expresses its preparedness for increased and effective cooperation with development partners.
Thank you!